School Improvement

North Dakota’s investment in innovation yields early dividends

2025-01-20T18:19:01+00:00September 1st, 2020|New-Personalized Competency-Based, Partnership Feature-School Improvement, Personalized Competency-Based Education, Project Spotlight, REL Central, Research Example, School Improvement|

For the last several years, REL Central at Marzano Research and the North Dakota Department of Public Instruction (NDDPI) have worked together on multiple projects supporting innovative ways to [...]

Marzano Research teams up with Jeffco Prosperity Partners to help improve the support provided to families

2022-06-21T16:39:49+00:00April 21st, 2020|Early Childhood Education, Program Evaluation, Program Evaluation Example, Project Spotlight, School Improvement, Work-Based Learning|

Based in Jefferson County, Colorado, Jeffco Prosperity Partners (JPP) is a community-based program focused on supporting families in their journeys from poverty to prosperity. JPP helps children, youth, and their [...]

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