Ensuring future student success: Defining and assessing 21st century skills.
School districts around the country share the goal of preparing their students to succeed in the future, regardless of where these students’ individual [...]
School districts around the country share the goal of preparing their students to succeed in the future, regardless of where these students’ individual [...]
A colleague recently asked me to describe my “consulting style.” I interpreted their question as wanting to learn more about how I see and enact my role [...]
Have you ever thought about the kinds of questions your doctor asks you and how strange it would seem for you to ask the same questions back to [...]
Since 1992, The Nation’s Report Card (NAEP) has indicated minimal improvement in reading. One of every three fourth-grade students cannot read or understand text at a basic proficient [...]
To undertake any major change, the critical first step is to take stock of where you are and get your house in order. In the case of [...]
Karen Martin Director of learning and instruction for Denali Borough School District in Healy, Alaska Karen Martin is the director of learning and instruction for [...]
Change is the only constant. (Heraclitus) Things change. Nothing ever stays the same, yo. You ain’t never gonna stay 25 or 30 or 40. You always gonna [...]
Sara L. Prewett, Ph.D., is an educational researcher and consultant. Her expertise focuses on K-12 students’ academic and social-emotional wellbeing and health. She [...]
Andrea Holt, LMFT Certified Addiction Specialist, Certified EMDR Clinician Andrea Holt is a mental health professional with over 20 years of experience. She currently works [...]
Student-teaching placements play a vital role in helping college undergraduates prepare for their careers in education. This important experience was interrupted by the pandemic as most classrooms transitioned [...]