Internal or External Evaluation? When to Say, “Both, Please!”
Education leaders must use data and evidence to make good decisions. No one disputes this. But where does this data and evidence come from, and [...]
Education leaders must use data and evidence to make good decisions. No one disputes this. But where does this data and evidence come from, and [...]
How Marzano Research Can Help Your District Comply and Improve If you’re a school district leader in Alaska, you may be familiar with the state's [...]
The South Dakota Department of Education recently chose Marzano Research to evaluate its 3-year grant project aimed at supporting the department’s efforts to better serve students during the [...]
Based in Jefferson County, Colorado, Jeffco Prosperity Partners (JPP) is a community-based program focused on supporting families in their journeys from poverty to prosperity. JPP helps children, youth, and their [...]
The increasingly prominent role technology plays in our lives has come to the forefront of education research in recent years for obvious reasons. With a majority of the [...]