Caitlin ScottDirector

Preparing, Implementing, and Sustaining Comprehensive Literacy Initiatives

In education policy and practice, I would argue no area is as crucial as literacy.

Literacy forms the foundation for all other learning. Yet, because teaching reading is complex and often misunderstood, many states find themselves in need of more resources and support to ensure every child becomes a proficient reader and writer.

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Students lacking essential reading skills for academic success make up almost a third of the U.S. student population. The issue disproportionately affects certain groups, particularly English learners, students from low-income backgrounds, and students with disabilities.

Comprehensive literacy initiatives, such as those that Comprehensive Literacy State Development (CLSD) Grants support, offer valuable opportunities to systemically improve these student literacy outcomes.

However, having resources is just the first step. Determining how to use them most effectively is where the real challenge—and opportunity—lies.


What does a systemic approach to improving literacy outcomes look like in practice? At Marzano Research, our team of school improvement and literacy specialists can help state education leaders answer this question.

It starts with taking stock of current literacy policies, resources, and practices. Do states have a literacy framework and guidance that explains best practices in literacy instruction to districts and the general public? Then, do states support districts in choosing and accessing resources to implement these best practices?

Ultimately, states must check in with districts to make sure they follow through and create literacy plans based on state guidance. Are the plans truly comprehensive? Do they address the needs of learners across every grade? Are they grounded in the latest research on evidence-based practices and the Science of Reading?


Effective execution is equally important. This is why Marzano Research advocates for and provides support in implementing and enhancing Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) for reading at the state, district, and school levels, which help ensure that all students receive the support they need—whether that is core instruction, targeted interventions, or intensive interventions.

Data play a pivotal role in MTSS for reading. The Marzano Research team specializes in helping build comprehensive literacy assessment systems that districts can implement effectively, from universal screeners to progress monitoring tools to summative assessments. We also focus on building the capacity of leaders and teachers to use this data to make meaningful instructional decisions.

We extend this data-driven approach to curriculum as well. My team offers support in reviewing and selecting evidence-based curricular materials that align with state standards and the Science of Reading. In a market flooded with options, having expert guidance can be a huge relief and time-saver.


Building sustainability within states and districts should be at the forefront of any literacy initiative. Our goal is not to create dependency on external consultants. Instead, Marzano Research aims to empower local educators and leaders to drive and sustain literacy improvement efforts.

This often involves creating and strengthening state and district literacy leadership teams through coaching, as well as training local administrators and teachers in data-based decision making. The Teacher as Researcher model is one example of how we help teachers make evaluating the effectiveness of their instructional strategies part of everyday practice.

A flow chart depicting the Marzano Research approach and outcomes. There are three sections. From left to right: Marzano Research Technical Assistance and Consulting facilitates adult learning and data use. Evaluation keeps implementation and innovation on track. An arrow leads to Section two: Improved Literacy Support at state and district level. Another arrow leads to Section 3, a heart that reads

Improving literacy outcomes—and sustaining these improvements—at a state level is a significant undertaking. At Marzano Research, we bring more than two decades of experience in using data to guide the growth of teachers, leaders, and systems. We have extensive experience working with states and districts to maximize the impact of their literacy resources, whether through applied research and evaluation, technical assistance, or consulting.

View our detailed service flyer to learn how we can support your state or district’s literacy initiatives. Or, you can contact us directly:


Garet, M. S., Le Floch, K. C., Hubbard, D., Carminucci, J., & Goodson, B. (2024). Did the Striving Readers Comprehensive Literacy Grant Program reach its goals? An implementation report (NCEE 2024–003r). Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences, National Center for Education Evaluation and Regional Assistance. Retrieved from