Classroom Practice Resources
- Legacy High School Student Flex-Time Usage (Infographic)
- Improving Student Learning and Engagement through Gamified Instruction: Evaluation of iPersonalize (Report)
- Measuring Student Progress and Teachers’ Assessment of Student Knowledge in a Competency-Based Education System (Report)
- Overview of Selected State Policies and Supports Related to K-12 Competency-Based Education (Report)
- Summary of research on online and blended learning programs that offer differentiated learning options (Report)
Blog Posts
- Language, Discussion, and Questions in Early Math (Webinar)
- Using Questioning Strategies to Support Struggling Math Students (Webinar)
- Assisting Struggling Students with Mathematics (Webinar)
- A Guide for Monitoring District Implementation of Educator Evaluation Systems (Video)
- The Examining Evaluator Feedback Survey Tool (Video)
- A Guide for Monitoring District Implementation of Educator Evaluation Systems (Toolkit)
- FAQ: How can districts conduct teacher evaluations during remote learning? (Tool)
- The Examining Evaluator Feedback Survey (Tool)
- Examining the Reliability and Validity of Teacher Candidate Evaluation Instruments (Webinar)
- Teacher Qualifications Associated with Success in Algebra I (Webinar)
- Examination of the Validity and Reliability of the Kansas Clinical Assessment Tool (Report)
- FAQ: How can districts conduct teacher evaluations during remote learning? (Resource Memo)
- Associations Between the Qualifications of Middle School Algebra I Teachers and Student Math Achievement (Report)
- Teachers’ Responses to Feedback from Evaluators: What Feedback Characteristics Matter? (Report)
Early Care and Education Resources
Video Series
- REL Central at Marzano Research video series introducing concepts from the What Works Clearinghouse practice guide Teaching Math to Young Children
- Early Childhood Math: Number and Operations (Video)
- Early Childhood Math: Geometry, Patterns, Measurements, and Data Analysis (Video)
- Early Childhood Math: Dedicate and Integrate Daily Math Instruction (Video)
- Early Childhood Math: Questioning Strategies (Video)
- Early Childhood Math: Use Progress Monitoring to Build on What Children Know (Video)
- Language, Discussion, and Questions in Early Math (Webinar)
- Supporting Emotion Regulation in Early Childhood (Webinar)
Journal Articles
- Play it High, Play it Low: Examining the Reliability and Validity of a New Observation Tool to Measure Children’s Make-Believe Play (Journal Article)
- Coaching in Early Mathematics (Journal Article)
- Lyrics2Learn: Teaching Fluency through Music and Technology (Journal Article)
Remote Learning Resources
- Some states are modifying graduation requirements while others are supporting districts in being flexible with current requirements. The Foundation for Excellence in Education (ExcelinED) compiled each state’s high school graduation requirements in response to COVID-19.
- Renowned e-learning pro Zoe Baptista has some good suggestions on how to make the transition from a traditional classroom to virtual learning as smooth as possible in her recent Education Development Center blog post.
- The U.S. Office of Educational Technology video “Future Ready: Examples of Personalized Learning” provides a good look at how to create a system that supports personalized learning from start to finish with a focus on career pathways.
- This Education Week Teacher blog post compiles several educational resources for online learning provided by members of the virtual professional learning community.
- In 2016, the Office of Educational Technology at the U.S. Department of Education developed the Guiding Principles for Use of Technology with Early Learners. The guidance discusses how the “thoughtful use of technology by parents and early educators can engage children in key skills such as play, self-expression, and computational thinking.”
- In 2016, the U.S. Department of Education and U.S. Department of Health and Human Services published the Early Learning and Educational Technology Policy Brief. This brief provides information to help early educators (including those in-home settings), early learning programs, schools, and families make informed choices on the use of technology by young children.
- In 2012, the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) prepared a position statement on technology use with young children. NAEYC has also curated numerous technology and media resources to support parents and early educators caring for infants, toddlers, and preschoolers.
- In 2016, the American Academy of Pediatrics provided recommendations for children’s media use, including limiting screen time to high-quality programs for children ages 2 to 5.
- Recent research studies have provided information on the ability of young learners to effectively use tablets or smartphones and the appropriate use of media in children ages 0 to 3.
- In 2018, Zero to Three identified Five Tips to Make the Most of Video Chats to help children use technology to stay connected with loved ones.
- Carrie Germeroth, senior managing researcher at Marzano Research, provides some valuable teach-from-home education exercises as well as several links to online resources for Birth-5 learners in her blog post “Tips for Early Math Learning.”
- Marzano Research partners Bright By Three, a nonprofit organization that supports families and children by providing educational resources, provides free learning tips and various other development resources to help parents and caregivers; these resources can be obtained via SMS text message by clicking HERE.
- Promise Venture Studio’s recent blog posts “Engaging a Toddler While You Work from Home” and “Supporting Your Young Child’s Learning at Home” offer valuable insights into the challenges that social distancing might present to the parents and caregivers of young learners.
- The Wolf Trap Institute for Early Learning Through the Arts supports over 100,000 children and early childhood educators worldwide. Learn more about the institute and check out their FREE digital resources for ECE teachers HERE.
- The Early Learning Lab blog post “Homeschooling During the Coronavirus Epidemic” features quality advice about home schooling your children during the coronavirus pandemic from the perspectives of early childhood education professional Chris Sciarrino and parent Sarah Flores:
- The National Center for Infants, Toddlers, and Families has five helpful tips for parent or grandparent looking to make the most of their video chats with the kiddos while we’re all practicing social distancing.
- The Early Milestones Monitor Special Coronavirus Edition is filled with quality resources and inspiring stories from the early childhood education community.
- During the COVID-19 pandemic, telehealth can help connect home visiting services to families. Read all about research-supported technological outreach strategies from Child Trends’ Lauren Supplee and Sarah Crowne HERE.
- Written by Erin Higgins, PhD, who oversees the National Center for Education Research’s Cognition & Student Learning portfolio, this blog post takes a look at some productive activities that students and families stuck at home due to COVID-19 can do.
- Resources for implementing continued learning during emergency situations:
- In 2014, the U.S. Department of Education released recommendations for schools to maintain teaching and learning during extended school dismissal. The memo provides considerations as well as resources to support implementation.
- Quality Matters provides an emergency remote instruction checklist that includes considerations and actionable strategies for remote instruction in K–12 education.
- The Indiana Department of Education developed an eLearning best practices checklist to support eLearning programs during snow days.
- Resources for implementing continued learning specifically in response to COVID-19:
- The Readiness and Emergency Management for Schools Technical Assistance Center developed a key preparedness and response considerations memo for COVID-19. This memo provides general guidance as well as links to resources and tools developed by the center.
- Additionally, many organizations have compiled lists of free online learning resources as well as options for internet access.
- The U.S. Department of Education has several links related to online learning and tech-based education available to peruse HERE.
- Several publications and products pertaining to online learning from the National Center for Education Statistics can be found HERE.
- A list of 82 brand new Institute of Education Sciences-supported games and other resources that can be used for virtual learning during social distancing can be found HERE.
- Digital Promise, a national nonprofit authorized by Congress to spur innovation in education and improve the opportunity to learn for all through technology and research, has created an online learning library where educators can find free materials based on type, grade level, and subject.
- These Forum resources, also from the S. Department of Education, provide guidance related to virtual education data, collecting and using virtual attendance data, and managing data about students displaced by a crisis.
- This PowerPoint is from a webinar done by the Student Privacy Policy Office in the U.S. Department of Education. It outlines how FERPA works with online learning by going through several scenarios that might come up for states or districts.
- The Consortium for Policy Research in Education created a database of school districts’ plans for supporting continued learning.
- The California Department of Education created a lessons-from-the-field web page that provides remote learning guidance.
- The Aurora Institute created a resource page that includes sample state and district continuity-of-learning plans as well as checklists of key considerations.
Rural Education Resources
- Delivering Work-Based Learning in Rural Schools (Webinar)
- Strategies to Support Remote Learning Along a Continuum of Internet Access (Webinar)
- The Growth of English Learners in Rural Areas: Research on Challenges and Promising Practices in Schools (Webinar)
- Infographics Shed Light on Rural Internet Connectivity Issues (Video)
- Internet Connectivity Across the Central States (Infographic Set)
- Variations in District Strategies for Remote Learning During the COVID-19 Pandemic (study)
School Improvement Resources
The following blog posts and resources introduce the Marzano Research School Improvement Consulting Framework.
Blog Posts and Handouts
- Beyond Abilene: Fueling School Improvement with Intentional Decision-Making (Blog)
- Choosing a Decision-Making Method (Handout)
- What School Improvement Consultants Need to Know and Be Able to Do (Revised) (Blog)
- When Being Coached is Risky Business (Blog)
- How do you eat a whole elephant? Three options for tackling a school improvement plan (Blog)
- School Improvement Consulting Framework: Commitment to Results (Blog)
- What school improvement consultants need to know and be able to do (Blog)
- Six principles to guide effective school improvement consultant practice (Blog)
- Consulting Principles (Handout)
- Consulting Principles Scenarios Exercise (Worksheet)
- Bringing your whole self to school improvement consulting (Blog)
- Expanding your school improvement consultant toolbox (Blog)
- What does it mean to be good at change? (Blog)
- What content expertise do school improvement consultants need to bring to the table? (Blog)
- Outcomes matter: Helping school teams maintain focus and achieve their goals (Blog)
- Three ways to improve your listening skills to build trust and understanding (Blog)
- How deepening client relationships supports systemic change (Blog)
- Trust and Relationships (Handout)
- Beyond style: Playing a variety of consultant roles to meet clients’ needs (Blog)
- Exploring Consultant Roles (Worksheet)
- Masterful questioners harness the power of questioning (Blog)
- The Human Side of Questioning (Handout)
- A Guide to Identifying Similar Schools to Support School Improvement (Report)
- State policies for intervening in chronically low-performing schools: A 50-state scan (Report)
- Summary of research on the association between state interventions in chronically low-performing schools and student achievement (Report)
- Colorado Department of Education Crosswalk: 2018 State and Federal School Identifications (Infographic)
Blogs Posts
Blog Posts
Blog Posts
- Combatting Learning Loss During a Pandemic (Blog)
- The Value of Logic Models in School Improvement (Blog)
- Evaluation Plans – Key to the School Improvement Process (Blog)
- Leveraging Qualitative Data in School Improvement (Blog)
- State Education Agencies Across the Central Region Use Program Evaluation Modules to Make Improvements (Blog)
- Examining the Impact of Career and Technical Education Course-Taking in Two States (Report)
- Examining the Impact of Career and Technical Education (Infographic)
- Toward the Development of a Program Quality Framework for Career and Technical Education Programs: A Researcher-Practitioner Collaborative Project (Report)
- Measuring Civic Readiness: A Review of Survey Scales (tool)
- Steps to Develop a Model to Estimate School- and District-Level Postsecondary Success (tool)