Classroom Practice Resources

Remote Learning Resources

  • Some states are modifying graduation requirements while others are supporting districts in being flexible with current requirements. The Foundation for Excellence in Education (ExcelinED) compiled each state’s high school graduation requirements in response to COVID-19.
  • Renowned e-learning pro Zoe Baptista has some good suggestions on how to make the transition from a traditional classroom to virtual learning as smooth as possible in her recent Education Development Center blog post.
  • The U.S. Office of Educational Technology video “Future Ready: Examples of Personalized Learning” provides a good look at how to create a system that supports personalized learning from start to finish with a focus on career pathways.
  • This Education Week Teacher blog post compiles several educational resources for online learning provided by members of the virtual professional learning community.
  • Resources for implementing continued learning during emergency situations:
    • In 2014, the U.S. Department of Education released recommendations for schools to maintain teaching and learning during extended school dismissal. The memo provides considerations as well as resources to support implementation.
    • Quality Matters provides an emergency remote instruction checklist that includes considerations and actionable strategies for remote instruction in K–12 education.
    • The Indiana Department of Education developed an eLearning best practices checklist to support eLearning programs during snow days.
  • Resources for implementing continued learning specifically in response to COVID-19:
    • The Readiness and Emergency Management for Schools Technical Assistance Center developed a key preparedness and response considerations memo for COVID-19. This memo provides general guidance as well as links to resources and tools developed by the center.
  • Additionally, many organizations have compiled lists of free online learning resources as well as options for internet access.
  • The U.S. Department of Education has several links related to online learning and tech-based education available to peruse HERE.
  • Several publications and products pertaining to online learning from the National Center for Education Statistics can be found HERE.
  • A list of 82 brand new Institute of Education Sciences-supported games and other resources that can be used for virtual learning during social distancing can be found HERE.
  • Digital Promise, a national nonprofit authorized by Congress to spur innovation in education and improve the opportunity to learn for all through technology and research, has created an online learning library where educators can find free materials based on type, grade level, and subject.

School Improvement Resources

The following blog posts and resources introduce the Marzano Research School Improvement Consulting Framework.

Blog Posts and Handouts