Teacher as Researcher

Brought to you by the South Carolina Department of Education

Instructional Strategies2024-08-27T23:20:53+00:00

The Initiative Benefits

Classroom Leadership

When researching instructional strategy effectiveness in the classroom, teachers are best positioned to find what works.

Evidence-Based Strategies

Get access to hundreds of research-backed strategies to select from when designing your short research cycles.

Continuous Improvement

Teacher as Researcher equips educators to conduct short research cycles so you can see results sooner and adjust your instruction.

Collaborative Network

Join a community of teachers who have participated in Teacher as Researcher and continue to share effective strategies.

Seamless Integration with State Standards

Teacher as Researcher is aligned with South Carolina state standards, College and Career Ready Standards, and LETRs.

The Timeline

Total duration:
10-14 WEEKS

Number of sessions: 6

Length of each session: 2 hours

Number of research studies: 2

Each study duration: 2-4 weeks

Concepts Overview

These videos discuss some concepts you will explore during Teacher as Researcher. If your questions aren’t answered here, try our FAQ page.

What is the initiative?

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