Marzano Research is partnering with the Colorado Department of Early Childhood (DEC) and the Colorado Department of Education (CDE) to conduct an analysis of current kindergarten school readiness and pre-K assessment tools.
Collect, review, and disseminate an evidence base to inform pre-K through K assessments with a focus on end-of-year (EOY) pre-K and beginning-of-year (BOY) K
- Build collective knowledge on PK and K–3 aligned assessments in Colorado.
- Develop common language on PK and K–3 aligned assessments in Colorado.
- Strengthen the capacity and leadership of EC and K-12 leaders on PK and K–3 aligned assessments in Colorado
Why ECE Assessments and Data Use are Important:
The National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) states that early childhood assessments that make ethical, appropriate, valid, and reliable assessments are a central part of all early childhood programs (NAEYC & NAECS-SDE, 2003). Furthermore, NAEYC provides Indicators of Effectiveness, which include guidance on how early childhood assessments should be used (NAEYC & NAECS-SDE, 2003). For example, NAEYC recommends that assessment evidence be used to understand and improve learning, improve knowledge about children, and translate into improved curriculum implementation and teaching practices. Assessment helps early childhood professionals understand the learning of a specific child or group of children; enhance overall knowledge of child development; improve educational programs for young children while supporting continuity across grades and settings; and access resources and supports for children with specific needs.
Marzano Research will conduct five (5) key activities to reach these goals:
- Coordination with CDEC and CDE Steering Team.
- Research on assessment alignment PK-K.
- Analysis of existing PK-K assessment data.
- Analysis of current student assessment tools.
- Dissemination of information on PK-K assessments.
We will share updates as we progress through this project and are excited to continue our early childhood work in the state of Colorado!