Here at Marzano Research, one of our passions is rural education. Thankfully, we get to travel in these areas to do field research, trainings, and more. To celebrate our love for rural areas, we’ve gathered some photos of our recent rural travels, and even some views from our homes in rural areas.
This view is from Seward Highway in Alaska (1). Caitlin Scott says, “This drive was the most beautiful drive I have ever been on at sunrise and the most terrifying in the fog before sunrise.” Caitlin was there attending a conference in partnership with REL Northwest Alaska Reads Strategic Alignment Leadership Summit.
This first photo (2) is the beginning of the ice road going up the Kuskokwim River in Bethel, Alaska. And this (3) was the Lower Kuskokwim School District vehicle we borrowed to get around. David Yanoski (left), Mike Siebersma (right), and Trudy Cherasaro (back) had a great time working in the field (4).

South Dakota
These photos (5-7) are from Steven Tedeschi at the Badlands National Park, South Unit, South Dakota. Steven started his career in education teaching at Little Wound School in Kyle, South Dakota on the Pine Ridge Reservation.

This (8) was David Yanoski’s view in Spanish Fork, Utah. We had the incredible opportunity to co-present with representatives from North Sanpete School District at the Utah Magellan Summit Personalized, Competency-Based Learning conference.
The second is a view outside of the North Sanpete School District office (9) located in Mt. Pleasant, Utah.

This sunrise (10) is from when Christy Lamb and Shelby Hubach drove from Cheyenne, WY to Burns, WY to meet with Laramie County School District 2 staff about their literacy system review findings and begin their curricular materials adoption process.
The next photo (11) is courtesy of Caitlin Scott from a Sheridan County Schools #1 classroom through a snowflake a student made. We were there as part of our literacy audit work in Sheridan #1.
A perk of Park County School District #16 offices…seeing deer take a stroll past their offices (12). Marzano Research conducted a Literacy Systems review in Park County School District #16 and is continuing to provide technical support in literacy.

Relaxing trails at Riverside Park in Douglas, WY from Caitlin Scott’s morning run (13, 14) before meeting with Converse County School District #1 about their districtwide literacy initiatives.

Steven Tedeschi shared these views of Devil’s Tower (15, 16), also known to local Native American tribes as Mato Tipila, in Wyoming during the Wyoming Digital Learning Plan listening tour.

At Marzano Research, we’re looking forward to the continuation of our rural education partnerships and the meaningful work in these areas. If you need support or want to connect about rural education, please reach out to Caitlin Scott.