
Strategic Planning and Facilitation2024-02-21T18:31:53+00:00

Strategic Planning and Facilitation

At Marzano Research, we are experts at connecting people from a range of agencies, organizations, communities, and sectors to come together around common goals. Our proven strategies for group facilitation and stakeholder engagement have helped clients set up new agencies or systems, create strategic plans, and develop policies and initiatives.

We tailor our services—from setting meeting agendas to delivering comprehensive reports—to fit the context and purpose of each project. Our goal is to help your team make informed decisions, set achievable goals, take meaningful action, and track your results. We can help you:

  • Lead stakeholder engagement activities: facilitate meetings or feedback sessions, compile feedback, and create reports

  • Negotiate interagency and cross-sector collaboration and decision-making

  • Coordinate and manage the work of multiple teams and working groups

  • Develop efficient and responsive communications plans for internal and external audiences

  • Create frameworks and policies that are aligned with specific standards, competencies, and assessments

  • Build dashboards and other tracking tools to collect and share information

When facilitating groups, we work with project leaders to plan agendas and outcomes that are focused, efficient, and aimed at authentically engaging all members. Our strategies create a safe and inclusive environment. We use group norms and processes that equalize participants’ opportunities to be heard. We compile and synthesize what we learn and help you use the feedback and recommendations.

Our approach to developing a strategic plan is part of an organizational improvement process that includes surfacing values, establishing goals, identifying and implementing strategies, monitoring progress, and leveraging lessons learned. We can help organizations establish a strategic North Star and guide them throughout the entire improvement process.

To learn more about our strategic planning and facilitation services, contact

Mike Siebersma
Mike Siebersma Director

Examples of Recent Work

South Dakota Project Aware multiagency, stakeholder, and school teams facilitation

Colorado Shines Brighter strategic plan landscape analysis and recommended updates

Facilitation and transition planning for Colorado’s new Department of Early Childhood

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